Saturday, November 6, 2010


Hey, Hi, I have a blog. I am not so unique in this but I am uniquely me. I am 30, recently divorced from a Military man, been all over Europe and have lived a roller coaster of a life. Who hasn't right? I am starting a new life....and I hope you will join me on this new journey.

I work alot so I play on the weekends, gotta release that stress right.... So look forward to some fun and laugh your but off stories. I have two toy chihuahuas and they are the loves of my life, and they keep me sane. I have a great group of friends and very supportive family. I love to travel and have tons of friends all over the US and Europe so I will be posting about my travels. I read alot so I will be posting reviews of books. I love music and movies and everything else u probably could think of. So stay tuned cuz your gonna be going for an epic ride.....a ride called my life! Hold on to your hats and cover your kids eyes, here we go!!!!